
Showing posts from November, 2024

Banlist Update November 15 2024

  Hello Tiny Players ! MTG foundations releases today which means it 's time for another B &R check in ! Forth Eorlingas ! is banned Ajani , Nacatl Pariah is Banned as Commander only White Plume Adventurer is Watchlisted Flawless Maneuver is Watchlisted Forth is an extremely powerful card which can often win a game by itself . Not only does it very efficiently create stats on board , it also comes with the powerful Monarch ability (a mechanic we have previously banned in Court of Cunning ) Forth was watchlisted in a previous B &R update because we were hearing /seeing problems from the card , but not seeing them in a density that we were worried about . It seems like our players took this message as a challenge . Since then the card’s popularity spiked and has resulted in a somewhat homogenous meta of RW decks ( . . . again ) . Combined with new pieces of power from MH3 , it was finally time to take action against the RW “I win” button card . Speaking of RW Modern Hor...