
Banlist Update August 2 2024

  Hello Tiny Players! Today we have an update to our banlist. Nadu, Winged Wisdom is banned as Commander Mana Drain is unbanned Nadu, Winged Wisdom is watchlisted Forth Eorlingas! Is watchlisted Nadu: We’ve decided to only ban Nadu as Commander for now. The power level of Nadu is well documented in Tiny and beyond, and it clearly justifies having action taken against it. A single turn with Nadu’s combo generates enough value to bury an opponent for the rest of the game. Even with reasonable answers the Bird usually is able to pay for his own commander tax and continue generating advantage. The decks putting Nadu in the zone boast unbelievable winrates in our community tournaments and beyond While still a powerful combo enabler once assembled, we don’t believe Nadu will be the unbeatable powerhouse he is now once you’re limited to just one copy, and unable to access him on-demand.  Nadu is Watchlisted: We’re not letting the bird out of our sights just yet though. We’re going to keep an

Ban list Update January 1 2024

  Effective January 1st 2024 Jeska, Thrice Reborn is banned as commander. It's been no secret that since we reverted the partner rules in June, Jeska has been a dominant force in the tiny meta with not just one but TWO different partners and strategies. Aggressive decks partnering Yoshimaru have proved to be overwhelmingly successful, and value oriented decks partnering Thrasios have been seeing high success rates as well. These have been more successful than we’re comfortable with. We take a lot of things into account when deciding to make ban list changes. One of the biggest factors being reasonable counter-play. Could you be doing more in your deck building to avoid losing to this deck? Often the answer to that question is yes. So we like to give players time to try and solve the puzzle and give opportunities for unclaimed niches to be filled. Jeska however has proven to be a tougher nut to crack.  A combination of many factors (being a planeswalker, living in the command zone,

TLR Partner Rules Update

  Hello from the Tiny Leaders Reborn Council! No time for pleasantries, we have a major rules change to announce! New rule: A player using more than one commander begins the game with a forced mulligan. This is achieved by drawing cards equal to the player's starting hand size and choosing one to place on the bottom of their library. This counts as the player’s first mulligan. Subsequent mulligans are treated as normal. This is an exception to rules 103.5 and 103.5b Basically: If you’re playing with more than one commander, your mulligan is gonna start at 1. You’ll still look at Seven cards like normal, but to counteract your extra card in the command zone you’ll have to put one away, plus any additional mulligans you may take. Long time Tiny players may notice this is the same rule we had before the current rule! That’s correct! So let's talk about why we’re doing this. Philosophy: Partner commanders have been a problem for Tiny for some time. The advantage gained by always

TLR : Today's news

 What's new today ? Some changes of presentation on the Blog. Nothing new regarding the rules and the ban list. The rules section has been updated with completely reworked docs. They contain all the useful information for your games with friends and for the organization of events and tournaments. Cards that were under watch seem to have been taken into account by everyone in their decklists and general game strategies. They remain under watch, but do not require any action on our part at this time. That's all for today.

TLR announcement

  Hi Tiny Leaders Reborn fans! We have many things to share with you today, so without further ado, let's get into it! Fuuuuuuusion! Since May 2022, the Tiny Leaders Reborn committee welcomed into its midst Steven Hamonic, the last manager of the Original Tiny Leaders format. Unfortunately, this fusion project between Original Tiny Leaders and Tiny Leaders Reborn has failed. Therefore, Tiny Leaders Reborn will keep making things progress with the continued development of the game itself and stay as it is: a competitive way to play a very fun magic format. Banlist Since our last announcement in March, no particular problem has been observed. The last sets came with many new tools, but nothing has seemed to be too overpowered for now. This is the reason why today there will be no changes to the ban list. We would like to clarify some points: 1) We're aware of your concerns about our last rules update about decks with more than one commander, especially now t

TLR Ban list and Rules update

Hi Tiny Leaders Reborn fans! Something really big is happening today so, without further ado, let's get into it: Removing the "specific mulligan rules for partner mecanic" From now on, Only a single commander can be cast from the command zone during a game. From now on, Tiny Leaders Reborn players will now start games with only 20 life points. Price of progress is banned Clarification / Rules changes Removing the "specific mulligan rules for partner mecanic" From now on, Only a single commander can be cast from the command zone during a game. In July 2021, we made a decision to curtail partner advantage and dominance in TLR. We created a specific mulligan rule, making players who play two or more commanders to put one card from their hand on the bottom of their library for each commander they play in addition to the first one. This rules change was widely requested in our 2021 summer survey, so we tried it out. Feedback has been good, but not great. Something wa

TLR Website announcement and Ban list update

  Hi Tiny Leaders Reborn fans! First of all, we'd like to thank you for your support and your feedback on recent announcement. We're glad we are happy to see that the decisions taken are pleasing and satisfying you. Today, in addition to ban list announcements, we wanted to share with you very great news for TLR: its official website launch! You can find it just there: We hope you will like it and that you will find there all the information you could seek   Now, get into the heart of the matter, here is today's ban list announcement: Mystical tutor is banned as a card Teferi, Time Raveler  is banned both as card AND as commander   Mystical tutor Many tutors are already banned, because they can find you any card, and for some at instant speed. Mystical tutor is a "search into your library for a spell" with more or less no really restriction on what it can find in one of the best color of magic the