TLR Website announcement and Ban list update


Hi Tiny Leaders Reborn fans!

First of all, we'd like to thank you for your support and your feedback on recent announcement.

We're glad we are happy to see that the decisions taken are pleasing and satisfying you.

Today, in addition to ban list announcements, we wanted to share with you very great news for TLR: its official website launch!

You can find it just there:

We hope you will like it and that you will find there all the information you could seek


Now, get into the heart of the matter, here is today's ban list announcement:

Mystical tutor is banned as a card

Teferi, Time Raveler is banned both as card AND as commander


Mystical tutor

Many tutors are already banned, because they can find you any card, and for some at instant speed.

Mystical tutor is a "search into your library for a spell" with more or less no really restriction on what it can find in one of the best color of magic the gathering and at instant speed. Also, the fact that it's an instant tutoring card make it strong with card like Sensei's Divining Top or instant speed draw spells like brainstorm.

To make it simple: it can find what you want, at best time possible

All of this makes mystical tutor one of the strongest weapons of control and combo decks in addition to being one of the greatest threats for creature based decks.  

With this idea in mind, mystical tutor is joining them today.


Teferi, Time Raveler

Teferi, Time Raveler has been a pillar of eternallike format like modern or legacy and banned from "to young card legality" format like pioneer or historic.

It's probably, as oko thief of crown can be, one of the best planeswalker card ever printed by wizard.

Basically, it does everything you could want in only one card: Draw spell, tempo fighting, modification of the playability temporality of your cards, synergizing with cards like omen of the sea, and most of all restrict the playing possibilities of your opponent (by playing a free silence at every one of your turns).

Also, the "free silence" static ability make you win every counterspell war or is the best way to protect your combo deck from instant speed disruption.

Facing Teferi, Time Raveler is oppressive. Playing with it made your life so much easier. Too much easier.

 You can find the uptdated ban list here: TLR Ban list (01/07/22)

Finally, with no further explanations, we'd like to share with you our current watchlist, to let you know where we are and what we're gonna test closer:


As Cards:

 Uro, Titan of Nature's Wrath

 Ashiok, Dream Render

 Tainted pact

 Urza's Saga

 Sensei's Divining Top

 Underworld Breach

 Wheel of Misfortune

Enlightened Tutor


As Commanders:

 Ragavan, Nimble Pilferer

 Heliod, SunCrowned

 Yuriko, the Tiger's Shadow


As Companions:

 Lutri, the Spellchaser


As Rule:

 Partner specific muligan change


Thank you for reading this new announcement and for following this great format that is the Tiny Leader Reborn.

We will see you very soon for future announcements and wish you good luck in all your future games.

The Tiny Leader Reborn commitee